Dr. Manerep Pasaribu

Find out what makes me tick

Dr. Manerep Pasaribu

Dr. Manerep PasaribuDr. Ir. Manerep Pasaribu is a Strategic Management Postgraduate and Master of Management lecturer in FEB-UI Strategic Management, Knowledge Management, and Innovation Management at Universitas Indonesia. In 2009, he was awarded his doctoral degree from The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia. He also currently serves as an advisor to the President Commissioner of NT Corp. Additionally, he serves on the Hanura Party Advisory Board, and as the Chair of HKBP Nommensen University's Foundation Board of Trustees.
Author of five teaching books about knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship, Manerep's first book was Knowledge Sharing: Meningkatkan Layanan Kinerja Perusahaan: Studi Kasus Best Practices Sharing di PT PLN (Persero), January 2010, Penerbit Gramedia-Jakarta. His second work was on Best Practices dan BUMN: Melalui Sharing Best Practices BUMN Bisa Melayani Lebih Baik, April 2013, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. His third book was Knowledge, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship, April 2016, Kompas Gramedia-Jakarta Publisher, and his fourth book was Big Data and Strategic Entrepreneurship, October 2017, Sonvaldy Media Nusantara-NT Corp Publisher. His most recent project was Big Data Strategies, Knowledge Flow, and Innovation, January 2019, Sonvaldy Media Nusantara-NT Corp Publisher. A true diver, Manerep wrote a book on his passion: "My Underwater Journey ... across the Indonesian Archipelago ..." (2009) PT Malta Pritindo and CV. Phototrend.
Never one to rest on his laurels, Manerep is currently working on his newest book: Start-ups and Entrepreneurs, to be published in November 2019. Manerep is a frequent guest speaker at universities and business functions across Indonesia. He also regularly attends international conferences, such as this year's Strategic Management Society conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

e-mail: mail.emperism@gmail.com,
Mobile:+62 818-0214-7888;



  • 2005 - 2008

    Doctoral Program, Speciality in Strategic Management
    Faculty of Economy University of Indonesia

  • 1999 - 2000

    Master Degree of Monetary Management
    Faculty of Economy Sriwijaya University

  • 21974-1981

    Faculty of Engineering University of Sumatera Utara




    Lecturer of Knowledge Management (KM) and Innovation Management
  • PT. PLN

    The Advisor of Board of Director (BOD) in PT. PLN (Persero)

    PT. PLN

    Career in PT. PLN (Persero) as bellow
  • Sumatera Utara Unversity

    Lecturer of Physics Assistant
  • PT. Inalum Kuala Tanjung North Sumatera

    Production Staff



  • 2008-2009

    General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sumatera Utara - Medan

  • 2002-2008

    General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur - Kupang

  • 2001-2002

    Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Usaha Nusa Tenggara Timur - Kupang

  • 1997-2001

    Manager of Powerplant Division PT PLN (Persero) Kitlur Sumbagsel - Palembang

  • 1995-1997

    Head of Powerplant Section of PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah II-Medan

  • 1989-1995

    Head of Maintenance Section of PT PLN (Persero) Belawan Sector -Medan

  • 1984-1986

    Section Head of Watch Team “D” at Belawan Sector of PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah II-Medan

  • 1982

    Employee of PT PLN (Persero)



  • NT Corporation

    2015 - Present
    Advisor of President Commissioner on NT Corporation
  • STT PLN, Jakarta

    2013 - Present
    Lecturer of Engineering Economic, on STT PLN, Jakarta.
  • Indonesia University

    2013 - Present
    The Examiner Lecturer of Doctoral Degree on Indonesia University

    Indonesia University

    2009 - Present
    Lecturer of Strategic Management & Knowledge Management, on Master Degree of Management, Faculty of Economic, Indonesia University, Jakarta
  • CIS Innovation School

    2009 - Present
    Facilitator of Knowledge Management on CIS Innovation School, Jakarta.
  • PT. Panca Daya Teknik Mandiri

    2012 - Present
    CEO of PT. Panca Daya Teknik Mandiri, Jakarta

    PT. Demarko

    2011 - Present
    Commisioner on PT. Demarko, Jakarta


What I've done & what I can do

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